Just about every product on the market worldwide is painted in certain colors with a company name on it. Many companies can arrange this painting themselves, because the products aren’t usually that big. However, when it comes to cranes and excavators, this becomes a completely different story. This transport equipment is so big that it cannot be painted just like that. Fortunately, there are specialized companies that can help you with this. So read on if you want to know more about the painting of cranes and excavators
Crane painting
Everyone has seen them at some point in their lives at some construction site in a village or town: cranes. Because they are used for a long time and seen by many people it is important that they do not obstruct people’s view, that’s one reason why they are painted a certain way. It is often also a good idea to put a company name on it, because it is of course promotion for your company if many people see it! With crane painting, the cranes are taken apart. Then each part is carefully painted with resistant paint that will last in all weather conditions and with intensive use. Because it is obviously a large task, it can take about twelve days until a crane is completely ready for use. The crane is then reassembled.
Excavators painting
Excavators cannot be painted just like that either. It is a transport machine that is used intensively and therefore it needs good paint. Therefore, excavators painting has a whole process too. First of all, the excavators are disassembled just like the cranes. All loose small parts are then safely put away. Then the surfaces of the excavator are made completely ready for the paint by sanding machines. This allows the paint to pack well on the excavator, which ensures that the paint stays well on the excavator for as long as possible. The paint is of the highest quality and therefore hardly wears off, even though the excavator is used so optimally and intensively.
Final coat
Usually an additional coat is applied to both the cranes and the excavators, providing extra protection. This layer is a top coat over the paint. Because of this, you can expect the paint to really stay on the machines for as long as possible. Therefore, it is definitely worth the investment! So we definitely recommend to have the cranes and the excavators painted this way.